- January 21st 2023: Version 3.1.0 releases
- improved throughput of serial transfer by up to 50%.
- improved transfer cancellation by handling Ctrl-c in Linux and
Amiga program without GUI.
- device and speed settings can now be stored in config files. In
linux the config file is stored in ~/.config/apccomm or ~/.apccomm,
while on the Amiga ENV variables are used (OS >= 2 only).
- November 27th 2022: Version 3.0.2 released
- set MIN and TIME parameter for linux serial port. If MIN was 0,
the synchronization failed.
- January 15th 2022: Version 3.0.1 released
- fixed serial port settings in Linux which previously could exchange
newlines and carriage returns thus leading to checksum errors.
- January 13th 2022: Version 3.0.0 released
- added support to transfer data via the serial port
- February 2nd 2014: Version 2.4.0 released
- added support to directly read/write ADF images from/to floppy disk
- September 29th 2013: Version 2.3.0 released
- added support for arbitrary base addresses of parallel port
(Thanks to Jaromir Capik for the patch)
- added support for indirect access to parallel ports. It can now also use
parallel-to-USB devices.
(Thanks to Jaromir Capik for the patch and tavvva_ppdrv library)
- May 17th 2007: Version 2.2.1 released
- apccomm opens parallel.device so no other program can access the parallel port
- updated parapin library to version 1.0.0
- November 17th 2002: Version 2.2.0 released
- fixed crashes of the amiga GUI version (stack usage was too high for default 4K stacksize)
- apccomm crashed when sending files under AmigaOS<2, fixed
- fixed file skipping and added overwrite all/skip all
- added about/quit menu for the Amiga GUI
- added "?" cli flag for the amiga version
- beginning with 2.2.0 APCComm will work with any patch-version (the last digit in the version number) on the other side. So you don't have to update both sides for small changes/fixes
- June 13th 2002: Version 2.1.0 released
- PC: now uses getopt for argument parsing
- changed option -ip to -i because of long option support
- Amiga:
- added gui where you can select the files and dirs you want to send or select the receive directory.
- One can also abort the transmission now.
- OS 2.0 and the reqtools.library are reqired now but there is still a version without gui which runs at any AmigaOS >1.0
- reqtools.library isn't included but I think most of the users have it but it's available from Aminet
- Start from WB is also supported now and there is an icon the Amiga-directory read more about the supported tooltypes in Usage
- for better integration in third-party-tools (like DOpus) there are 3 new options:
- "--send" and "--receive" for immediately send/receive
- "--pubscreen" for setting the publicscreen to use
e.g.: apccomm --pubscreen DOPUS.1 will open the gui at the dopus screen
- on my machine apccomm isn't slower with the gui but I don't know if there is a slowdown for slower amigas (on the other hand my amiga is not really fast), reports are welcome
- August 27th 2001: Version 2.0.1 released
- added verbose output with option --verbose (-V) and quiet output with option --quiet (-q)
- added handling of protections bits (file permissions), except the hidden bit all bits from the amiga can be restored
- fixed zero length file transfer
- some minor fixes
- August 20th 2001: Version 2.0.0 released
- added support for transfering whole directories
You can now give as many args as you want which can be files, dirs or even patterns.
For example this can be used for easy backup/restoring.
- removed support for transfering files between both systems at the SAME time.
Of course you can send in both directions but not the same time!
If you really need this, you have to use the previous version (or contact me to ask for a reimplementation)
- August 20th 2001: Version 1.2.2 released
- use file in any dir (not only in the current)
(file is stored at the other side in the current directory anyway)
- shows 100% at end of transmission
- May 5th 2001: Version 1.2.1 released
- lpt1 or lpt2 can now be used
- the full saving path of the incoming file is printed at the end
- apccomm drops root-privileges after parport-init
this is useful for making apccomm suid root
WARNING: Making apccomm suid root opens security holes! So think before doing it. Especially when giving wrong port
I don't know what can happen and of course I'm not responsible for any damage!
- April 6th 2001: Version 1.2.0 released
- improved progress display (no longer newlines while reporting)
- libparapin included so it's no longer required to install it
- runs also on AmigaOS 1.3 (like all version before but now verified!)
- March 21th 2001: Version 1.1.0 released
- speed improvements
now up to 33 Kbyte/s, see Speed
- new homepage
- Version 1.0.0 released