APCComm - Amiga<->PC file transfer program

1. Usage

For Linux you need (at the moment) root privileges to get access to the parallel port!
The default port is LPT1 but this can be changed, see Options below. For serial support, you need access permissions to the selected serial device.

1.1. transferring files and directories


If you want to receive files, start apccomm without any non-option arguments. If there is atleast one non-option argument to apccomm, it will send all given files and directories to the amiga.


Start apccomm by entering "apccomm" in a CLI or double click on the icon at the Workbench.
At the top of the window, you can select the hardware port to use (either parallel or serial), and for the serial connection you can select the transmission speed.
If you want to receive files, the top box is of interest for you. Select whether you want to ignore the protection bits sent by the PC. Choose the directory where the incoming files and directories should be stored by changing the value or click on "G" to select the directory with a requester. Then click "Receive" and the transfer starts.

If you want to send files, add all files and directories by clicking at "Add" and select them in the requester. You can do multi-select by holding the shift key while selecting. With Remove you can remove the selected entry from the list. Finally click on "Send" and the transfer starts.

If you start the GUI version from a CLI and give some files as arguments, they will be added the list so you can still add more files or remove some from the list before sending them.

APCComm understands 5 ToolTypes:

1.2. Examples

PC   : apccomm
Amiga: apccomm SYS:
Will send the whole sys partition to the pc.
PC   : apccomm *
Amiga: apccomm
Will send all files and sub-directories in the current directory to the Amiga.

1.3. Options

-v, --version
prints the program version
-h, --help
shows a little help
-V, --verbose
make apccomm print more information
shows program license
-q, --quiet
no output except error messages
ignore protection bits (file permissions) while receiving
select serial transmission speed. Values are slow, normal, fast, or 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.
save currently set port and speed options to config file. Settings are automatically loaded next time.

special linux options:
set the parallel port to <port> (only for linux)
Possible options for <port>:
  • lpt1
  • lpt2
  • 0x....: arbitrary parallel port base address (for example for non-standard ports via PCIe cards, like 0x378)
  • /dev/parportX: indirect access via ioctl for any parallel port supported by Linux
-s, --serial=<port>
set the serial port to use. Typical values are "/dev/ttyS0" or "/dev/ttyUSB0"

special amiga options:
-s, --send
immediately start sending (GUI only)
-r, --receive
immediately start receiving (GUI only)
use given pubscreen for the gui
read/write ADF images
-t, --track min,max
read from min to max track
verify written ADF image
use the serial port instead of the parallel port
use the parallel port
Store settings only temporarily in ENV: instead of also in ENVARC:

Any other option is taken as file name. File names can be normal files or directories or even patterns like *.c at linux or #?.c at the amiga
(NOTE: at linux patterns are resolved using the shell so don't use single quotes ('))
You can give as much file names as you need.
NOTE 2:Pattern matching is not available on AmigaOS<2.0 !

1.4. ADF mode

APCComm 2.4.0 supports reading and writing ADF images directly from/to floppy disk. To use this mode, you have to select the option in the GUI or use the -d CLI argument.

When reading a disk, APCComm will ask for a file name that will be used at the Linux side for the name of the ADF image. Via CLI argument -t you can also select to only a certain range of tracks. To specify which floppy drive shall be used, you need to use df0: to df3: as send name.

When writing an ADF file, just send the file from the Linux. APCComm will ask which drive to use before actually writing it. You can choose the verify the written tracks by choosing the GUI option or using the CLI argument --verify. When receiving ADF images, you can also send more than one ADF file or even complete directories. Only file names ending with .adf will be written, everything else will be ignored.

1.4.1. Examples

  1. read image from df0 and send it to Linux:
    PC:    apccomm
    Amiga: apccomm -d -s df0:
  2. receive image from Linux and write image to df0:
    PC:    apccomm file.adf
    Amiga: apccomm -d -r
    and choose df0 in the requester or enter it in the CLI.